Dress-Codes In Schools And Workplaces - Why Or Why Not?
Human beings, by nature, love to have diverse choices infront of them . People eat diverse foods, people read diverse books and people wear different cloths. There is a deep seated psychological and metaphysical reason behind our tendency to choose things. We love the freedom of choice. When this freedom of choice gets curtailed, we panic. We see it as an attack on our basic human instinct. This is the reason that the issue of dress codes in schools, restaurants and other workplaces is debated intensely. Dress Code In Schools There are many reasons that a dress code is implemented in a school. The first and foremost is - the school authorities try to enforce a uniformity among the students. This is exactly the reason why school cloths or for that matter official suitings are called uniforms. Suppose there is a school that does not have any dress code in place. A student who is financially well-off will wear high end cloths, while her poor classmat...